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Sep 21, 2009

Page 3

These thoughts are my compilation, as said by Smt. Jaya Row on Srimad Bhagvad Gita. She is the ambassador of Vedanta vision.

A person is driven in this world by the net resultant of his desires, but one should always consult his intellect for making decisions. Security and safety are really important.

Set yourself a higher goal and work towards that goal. A higher goal means something different, away from your self-centered, selfish interests.

We have various desires like physical, intellectual, spiritual etc. These desires create a bondage b/w the Desiree and the desire. If we get deprived from them, we feel sad.

For instance, if we someone has strong desire of eating, he may eat anything of his likings, in any quantities. But when deprived, it makes him feel sorrow, sad.

However, the spiritual desire differs itself from other desires. It does not create any kind of bondage.

One feels happy for a very small amount of time and the feeling passes away almost instantly.

The feeling of oneness should always be present. We should not look upon others as inferior or compete with others, lacking spirit. When however done with competition, hatred, it degrades ur own performance.

Look upon others with love, does not mean face wrong doings, but be polite, gentle, pure hearted etc.If u possess these qualities, everything falls in place for u.

Hate the sin, not the sinner. Always remember, hatred is a slow poison. It destroys you.

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