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Sep 21, 2009

Page 7

The story goes like this....

A venamous snake used to bite the villagers. The villagers were terrified.
One fine day, a sage passed through that village. The villagers requested
the sage to see into this matter and save them from the evil snake.

The sage said - " O.K. I'll see what I can do. ".
Another day the sage passed through the forest. He met with the snake there.
The snake payed his homage to the great sage. (Evenevil people respect great people, like duryodhan
respected and prayed to Shri Krishan.)

Sage asked him not to bite the villagers. The snake agreed.

Months later, the sage passed through the same village. He was shocked to see the snake
in a battered condition. What Happened? - asked the great sage.

The snake replied - "Sir, this is your prasad". You told me not to bite anybody, But see now they
are not afraid of me and have beaten me black and blue.

"You fool. I told you not to bite. But. I did not tell you yo stop hissing" - replied the Sage.

I hope you understood the meaning of the above story.

Another topic...


Now we know that we should have oneness with all. So u'll try to love everyone. But theres obligation to your family first
and then towards other, if you are capable. People often get confused in this regard. (One who have purity of heart, or strive
for achieving one)

- As said on Astha Channel By Smt. Jaya Row

Srimad Bhagvad Gita Chaptetr 08


  1. Real moral of story is one must do the Karma that one is belongs to, or else its against law of nature ...
